Weekend of Surprises


This weekend was filled with some random-ness. So let’s recap.

Surprise Number 1:

You know how I said I wanted a fish? Well Saturday afternoon, I walked into my bedroom to find all this:

The man-friend got me two betta fish and allllll of the necessary accessories. How cool is that? (And which is cooler, that I got fish, or that the man-friend was apparently paying attention when I was rambling about how I wanted fish?)

So this is where I need your help. I need names for these two cute girl-fishys! Ideas?

Surprise Number 2:

Saturday afternoon, we went to a movie set where they were filming a movie trailer, so if the movie ever comes out, I can tell you I was there! πŸ˜‰

Wait, isn’t this a food blog? Yeah, sorry about that. Moving on.

Surprise Number 3:

Friday afternoon, I actually felt like going for a run. So I finally laced up my running shoes for the first time in 2 months? far too long

There is a sweet park near my house, and the best part is, they have little circuit stations along the way. Pull up bars, walls to scale, etc. It’s awesome, and it totally calms the attention problem that typically comes with running. I’m hoping to visit things again.

Surprise Number 4:

Eric went to our garden and said we had a lot of sweet potatoes. Which was cool, because I’m obsessed with sweet potatoes + almond butter.

But not just regular sweet potatoes. MONSTER POTATOES.

Do you see this? I put a fork next to it for perspective. Yes. It’s ginormous.

Did you have any fun surprises this weekend?

47 thoughts on “Weekend of Surprises

  1. I love that monster sweet potato, you know I’d be allll over that baby πŸ˜€
    And your fishies are cute! Hmm since they’re so girly, it’d be funny if you named them something really manly and tough, like Thor or Butch haha or what about names from Finding Nemo? πŸ™‚ keep us posted in what you choose!

  2. So cute that the man got you the fishies!! And holy wow, that sweet potato is outta control lol. Do you live near Deep Run Park? That trail looks an awful lot like it so was just curious πŸ™‚ Have a great start to the week!!!

    Oh yea, and my “fun” surprise for this weekend was running into the ex-bf of 3 years for the first time since our April breakup — see ya never! hahaha

  3. Haha, fish! That is so cool of the man friend to listen to you. I usually hate surprises but that would be really fun! I had 2 goldfish that lived for over 6 years! I hope you have fun with the fishies!


  4. I dug up a few sweet potatoes the size of my head. The only thing better than a normal sweet potato? A MONSTER sweet potato. Yeaah. And too cute about the fish! I’m bad at naming fish. My last one was named Poppletop Bopper. Yup. No GOOD surprises this weekend, and I think I’ll be ranting about the negative ones later on, I won’t make you suffer through ’em twice πŸ˜€

  5. Totally cool that the man-friend was paying attention! He needs to give the hubster lessons……

    For names I say Basil & Prada……don’t ask me why, those two just popped in my head!

    Love the hugh jass potato, can you send me one?…lol!

  6. Great fun surprises you had!
    I was surprised to realize that I had tonight off from a class I teach for columbus day…so I totally got extra free time today!

  7. I too love sweet potatoes! I have to have a huge one and I put penut butter(or almond butter, which is way better but I don’t always have any), cinnamon, maple syrup, and spray butter. It makes me happy! I ate at Sagebrush Sat and got the loaded sweet potato. It was the biggest sweet potato ever! The best one ever is from Texas Roadhouse. Go get one!!! πŸ™‚

  8. Love this post! The park sounds frikkin amazing, that autumn seen looks sooo gorgeous too, I bet you enjoyed the scenary more than the run! Fish names…Smarties and Pebbles? haha im not much good with fish names if you can possibly tell ;p

  9. Sounds like an awesome weekend!! I love the sweet potatoes. I have a similar park near me too, I love it especially during fall! Yours looks much prettier though πŸ™‚
    That was so nice of your “man-friend” ! hah I am awful at picking names. You could always name them something of what color they are. Like blueberry? I have no idea. But just an example

  10. That is sooo cute he got you fish. I wish my man friend or whatever he is would pick up on things like that. I mean he does, but he needs to do it more often! That is a crazy looking sweet potato. I love brown sugar on mine, but I bet almond butta is goooood.

  11. haha dannng!! I love abnormal lookin’ foods. There are sooo many ginormous fruits in the Korean markets especially! The apples are about my two fists put together. oooO! I don’t know why, but the names Xena/Zena and Angel come to mind! πŸ˜›

  12. Bless him, how lovely to get you the fish! They’re gorgeous… you could go for Indigo and Scarlett to be posh, because of the colours… or call them just random people’s names like Sarah and Lucy πŸ™‚
    And woop for giant veg!

  13. That was really sweet of him to surprise you with two little fishes! They are so pretty and I love the bright blue rocks in there. Nice color choice :]

    That’s so neat you saw them making a movie! Do you know what movie it is?!

    Goodness.. that sweet potato is somethin’ else! I’ve never seen a veggie that huge before.

    I went on a super long hike this weekend and the surprise was that it was so darn long. I thought it’s only take about 6 hours.. nope.. 10 hours later we finally finished and I was worn out!

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