Friday Funday


The only thing I don’t like about Friday is, it doesn’t rhyme with Funday the way Sunday does.

Oh, warning: this post has nothing to do with food. So if you wanted a food post, then tune in next time.

It’s Friday morning and I’m not going to work today. Why not? Because my bff is in town! Not only that, her super awesome little sister is here too! Let the shenanigans begin.

Me +BFF Alexa.

Lookout world. We’re up to no good.

But if I steal your car keys, don’t worry. It’s probably just because I need to sneak something in your car.

Like I did to the man-friend last night.

Yes, that’s a framed picture of shirtless John Mayer, telling you that John Mayer thinks your body is a wonderland. Wouldn’t you like to open your car door to discover this on your steering wheel?

You’re welcome, g-love.*

*I really need to come up with a new nickname for the veggie-hater-man-friend. He claims he doesn’t actually hate vegetables. When asked “when is the last time you ate a vegetables” he claimed the mushrooms on his pizza counted. Fine. Also, I think anyone who’s name starts with a “g” can automatically be called g-love. Thoughts?

Anyways, on the agenda for the weekend:

  • Be morale support while Alexa gets another tattoo.
  • Be a creeper and take lots of pictures at the Art Walk downtown tonight.
  • Drink lots of wine and reminisce about the  “amazing” times we had in high school
Oh and did I mention I don’t have to be at work on Monday either? Yeah, you can go ahead and be jealous now. I’m going to stop gloating and go have fun.

Oh, one last thing. I want a goldfish. Thoughts?

What shenanigans are you getting into this weekend?

39 thoughts on “Friday Funday

  1. Have fun with your bestie! 🙂 Sounds like you have a wicked weekend ahead of ya!
    Oh and for the record, I vote yes for the goldfish. Can I live vicariously through you though? My goldfish always die literally like 2 seconds after I buy them haha 😉

  2. I’d totally get a goldfish. But I know I would be the only one responsible for changing the grungy stinky water…so I will refrain. 🙂 plus…Ms. Kitty would make sounds like the siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp. “Do you see that thing swimming round and round???”

    Have a fantastic up to no good weekend with your BFF! I had mine last weekend! This weekend, I am off to the River Ramble-which is a huge biking event in my area! (double duty-biking and emceeing the event!)


  3. I vote YES on a goldfish.

    As for man friend’s name, I can sympathize…it’s a big deal branding them for the (blog) world, isn’t it? I’m pretty sure I can’t get away with “thinks he’s Alton Brown” or “cooks everything in duck fat” much longer…

    • hahahaha “cooks everything in duck fat” is awesome.

      And if those nicknames weren’t so long, I’m sure I could come up with some awesome ones…

      “Mr Thinks pizza is a category on the food pyramid”
      “Guy who counts green M&Ms as a vegetable”

  4. Goldfish…let me tell ya, they die when you don’t want them to, and then keep on swimming for a year after you decide you’re going to stop caring because you really don’t want fish anymore. Grrr…

    I want to see this tattoo you are supporting 🙂 I’m such a fan, but I’ll never get one of my own.

  5. Yes to the G-Love (who is playing here soon!) and the goldfish!

    No weekend shenans here – just straight up relaxing. My friday night is going to be icing my side, making granola and watching SATC2 on HBO

  6. Have so much fun with your best friend!! Definitely drink lots of wine and reminisce, that’s the best part 😀 I’d be very happy if I saw a framed picture of John Mayer every morning. Yes please

  7. I’d love a goldfish too but as all those I’ve had before have died, I don’t know if it’s a good idea… my paper recently did a story about one that lived to 11 or something and was 15 inches long!
    Hope you have a great weekend (reminiscing is always good!) and I’m not jealous of your two extra days off – at all 🙂

  8. If you want a goldfish, don’t get too attached. Those things die faster than sluts in a slasher film. Beta fish are longer-lived…and prettier!

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Friday definitely needs to be renamed to Funday! If you want a pet but don’t have enough time to care for it, goldfish are your best bet- plus they are fun to watch! Your weekend sounds great, hope you enjoyed it 🙂

  10. Pingback: Weekend of Surprises « I <3 Vegetables

  11. Okay, your fish is awesome. 🙂 And.. sweet potato and almond butter? Never thought of that, but now I must try it. 🙂 Just plain almond butter? Do you think it would be good on butternut squash?

    • I’ve never tried it on bnut squash but I’m guessing it would be good! I like to add stevia and cinnamon on top as well… or I just make my cinnamon almond butter and use that 😉 It’s delicious!

  12. Pingback: Weekend of Surprises - I Heart Vegetables

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