Navigating the Grocery Store


Let’s get back on track people. Seriously, let’s do it.

Ok, I can blame last week on my birthday. But this week, it’s time to get back to basics. More vegetables, less junk. It’s that simple.

Or so it seems.

Do you ever feel like you keep making the same goals over and over again?

It’s frustrating, I know. I know, because I make them too. So let’s start with healthy eating (what else?!) and where it starts. You may think it starts at the “what’s for dinner” idea… but it’s actually before that.

When you walk into the grocery store, you’re making choices for the rest of the week.

There are two common mistakes people (me) make:

1. You don’t buy healthy food

2. You don’t buy healthy food you actually like

If you don’t have healthy food on hand, you won’t be able to make good choices. And if you don’t buy healthy food that you actually like, it’ll just go to waste.

So here are the staples that I buy at the store, that keep me reaching for healthy food all week:


  • Almond milk- I like unsweetened vanilla and I use it in my smoothies and my coffee
  • Frozen fruit- I’ll either mix it with yogurt or eat it right out of the bag!
  • Egg Whites- Easily cooked in the microwave with a little string cheese, for a protein packed snack
  • Apples/Bananas- The perfect grab and go snacks (and I use a banana in all my smoothies!)
  • Onions/Tomatoes- Versatile for everything from stir fry to salsa
  • Beans- Canned make it easy for last minute dinners
  • Greek Yogurt- I’ll eat this for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacking!
  • Salad Mix- You’re more likely to eat your vegetables if they’re already washed and ready!

These are the things I stock my cart with when I’m really trying to get back on track. I love pretzels, granola, soy crisps, cereal, and other healthy-ish snacks, but sometimes I have trouble with portion control. Sometimes instead of trying to control it, it’s best to just not have it around. But hey, maybe you’re not all as tempted by Peanut Butter Puffins as I am 😉

I find that lots of veggies and protein tend to be the best way for me to fill up and stay energized. While it’s easy for me to munch my way through a box of cereal, it doesn’t leave me feeling full. I’ll be sticking to protein packed yogurt bowls, and lots of vegetable stir fries!

I started the week off on a pretty good note, with a green smoothie for breakfast, a garlicky kale salad for lunch, and a chipotle burrito bol for dinner. (Hey, I can’t pass on Chipotle!)

What are your grocery store staples?

41 thoughts on “Navigating the Grocery Store

  1. Great post Liz! I have been eating way too many sweet things lately so definitely want to get back on track too! I have the same problem with stuff like pretzels, I just can’t have them around without eating them all, so I think its far more realistic to just admit that to yourself and not buy them.

  2. My main grocery store staple is a giant tube of organic spinach from Sam’s Club. If I don’t feel like cooking my veggies I can easily make a green smoothie instead. I know you and Lindz do this a lot! 🙂

  3. It’s funny that I am reading this post today… I was just thinking the same thing. I have to get back on track. Starting today more veggies need to happen and less baking and sweets! Thanks for this post! It’s a helpful reminder!

  4. That looks like my kitchen counter after last night’s grocery run. Well, part of it… I bought a LOT! 🙂

    I make an affort to shop the perimeters of the store and buy mostly fresh foods. That way you’re sure to buy good for you items and avoid the processed crap in between. I also close my eyes in the check out line to avoid the Reese’s. LOL!

  5. Your groceries look very similar to mine – almost identical actually. lol

    I have to keep things like cereal, chips, granola and trail mix out of cart when I’m trying to be diligent with healthy eating because I have no portion control with these things.

  6. I love seeing what other people purchase at the grocery store! Our groceries look a lot similar, but I wish I was better at liking beans. As a vegetarian, they’re such a good source of protein…but I am only on board with black beans at the moment. I’ve got to warm up to others!

    And SERIOUSLY, the peanut butter puffins are deadly. I just bought a box (even though I have two other open boxes of cereal in my pantry!) and I think I ate a quarter of the box for breakfast this morning. I have to limit myself to like, one box a month. It’s madness.

  7. Your grocery list’s soo similar to mine! To add..sweet potatoes and avocados are must! My diet used to be centered around cereal.. Esp Quaker Oatmeal Squares. I would eat a whole box in one sitting..those were my bingeing days. Can’t believe…now I try to fill up on high-protein, lots of produce!

  8. Having the healthy stuff on hand DOES make a huge difference! Carrots, romaine lettuce, and almond milk get picked up every time I step in a grocery store! I go through those three like nobody’s business. Although, I switched up the carrots with celery for a change this week..bad idea. Definitely not a favorite thing to snack on–why so many strings??? 😦

      • Holy cow, that is the best idea ever! I already love doing that w/ sweet potato. As soon as I can get through this celery (ohhh, it’s going to linger in my fridge forever), I’m picking up carrots and doing that! Any excuse for ketchup. Err, I mean, carrots 😉

  9. I buy seriously everything you mentioned! I totally agree, it is important to just HAVE healthy food in your house an then you won’t feel like reaching for the ice cream 🙂

  10. great post. i had to teach my boyfriend this – because he would have all of this healthy, but gross and boring food. or at least he didn’t know how to prepare it or spice it up. now…he is learning that when we spend a little more at the grocery store it is totally worth it!

  11. Such a great post!! I am with you on almost everything. I have to have unsweetened almond milk AT ALL TIMES, tons of greek yogurt, frozen fruit, PEANUT BUTTER, OATMEAL & OATBRAN, veggie burgers, lots of veggies, hot sauce ( need this). I mean really veggies are KEY!!!

  12. Great tips. I always have Greek yogurt on hand, and I love to make homemade granola for snacking. I have recently started buying Chia seeds and putting them in everything too.


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